I have always wanted to be away from my home for several reasons. So, I got into SIMC, Pune, considerably away from Ambala. Hostel life had always fascinated me and I wanted to get into my room as soon as I reached my campus.
Room No. 428, a home away from home, as cliche as it may sound, is the place which will hold a special place in my heart forever, until some deadly disease puts its foot down. My first hostel room, and probably the second last, thank heavens that I have another year of post graduation left.
Room No. 428, a home away from home, as cliche as it may sound, is the place which will hold a special place in my heart forever, until some deadly disease puts its foot down. My first hostel room, and probably the second last, thank heavens that I have another year of post graduation left.
I have been completely myself, only here at Lavale Campus, I have been happy before, but there is a serenity in that bliss over here, probably a hill can do that to you sometimes. With friends and family not to bother you, you get to explore your surroundings freely, and more importantly, to discover yourself and life.
I started blogging, I could finally swim in a pool which I need not clean before jumping in, I performed on stage for the first time, I spent an entire day at a bookstore, started regularly jogging, took a train journey with friends for the first time. Recently, became a part of a huge college fest, experienced for the first time a live band experience, embellished with the memory of me jumping and dancing on the stage with friends, topless. Finally, went to a beach after a long wait of eight years.
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Also, importantly, met and made amazing friends, talented, with beautiful hearts. Their company, support, and care have made my room and everything on this campus, heavenly. People do not like the fact that I call my room my home, for the definition vary as do the individuals. I call it my home, as it allows me to return to it, as if am going back home itself, obviously there is the bed, which doesn't ever crib or complain. Then there are the wonderful and irritating roommates, bakar, festival and apna himesh, 428 diaries is an another chapter.
Also, there are other friends also; celebrations, conversations, food, classes, everything is double or rather, the joy, with them only. During festivals and drinks trips just down the hill, the entire batch becomes a family, figuratively, we at least at that time, forget everything and dance with abandon. I do not drink, these dance sessions, other than the things that make me happy, make me high and I become a replica of a drunk guy. I become overly friendly, loud and obscene.
And most importantly, there is so much space on this hill, both in terms of hectares and the space people give you. The added incentive of beautiful weather in the evenings almost throughout the year, I do not mind rains unlike my friends; music and smiling faces (I have an affinity to locate smiling faces), make the hill, more than a college campus. A stroll brings profound joy, and similarly, the still-silent campus at night.
All the experiences, mostly good and bad, makes up the magic, the magic which the hill is to my life.