Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday Morning

Sunday is a blessing in disguise. You wake up late, realise the house is empty; the family is off to a spiritual trip, one you didn't like to go out for, the first thing in the morning. You put on music, pick a novel - Maximum City by Suketu Mehta. It is about Bombay, he describes it with such viciousness that one cannot help but falling in love with the city just by reading the book. I remembered that i went to Bombay only a few days back, hot and humid, it was a relief to venture out in the city after a long semester. Marine drive was memorable, calming, to-go-to-again.

Then suddenly you realize you are hungry, i cooked for myself, another pleasure is cooking for oneself, you savor the spices just as you like them to be. To lie down, with music in the background, reading or writing, all these delicacies have another charm on official holidays, not on any other day, no matter how much one love to work.

Sundays are the days to catch up with family, shop and of course just lie down and reflect how the week has fared to you. How yesterday, after a long irritating week, I met another family of mine, ate voraciously and laughed just like myself.

I borrowed the post title from a Maroon 5 song, when the song plays; the smile I get is due to the memory of beginning to love the song. I woke up in my hostel room one Sunday morning and just then my friend played the song. It is exhilarating and fills you with energy; you look forward to a lazy Sunday.

All the memories, thoughts, food, reading, music have an healing effect on a Sunday. Another good part i just realised that it’s only been half a day. Much left to enjoy and savour.


  1. haha!! I miss those lazy Sundays in the hostel.. Looking forward to coming back :D miss u :)
