Friday, July 12, 2019

Monsoon Has Arrived

For a long time I wandered, 
I turned where curiosity pulled
Loss and lesson, much exultation
Sojourns turned into tales
Wide eyes, amused smiles
This lasted until last year when
One fine day monsoon arrived

I wander, at a new corner now
Pale to see the lips curve, moonlight
Dancing in the arms
Embraces wide, long and comforting
Yes, monsoon has arrived

I shiver with the eyes on me
Affection pierces me, stops my breath
I lay my head, on a soft spot
Calm ensues, anxiety ebbs
Monsoon has arrived

Dizzy by the meeting of our lips 
Hands interlocked effortlessly
I smile often, as I see other lovers
Soaked in joy and love
For me too, monsoon has arrived